petek, september 22, 2006

and the crickets are speechless today

it's all that limelight stillness behind my ear
fading signal beats, confusing you
I tell myself formless anger is all there is in-between my legs and your crotch
I don't even want to wear it anymore
it's too comprehensive and shabby
it doesn't suit me anymore

then I see your ancient gaze
searching for regeneration of human touchiness
you plough decomposed sense and hidden truth, endlessly

I should light a candle for you from time to time
to venerate your stamina (preventing us to meet)
but I won't ever dance you to the end of love
although I'd only do it for you

I think of you when I am swinging at the top of a day-fly
then - it feels like - I can lengthen your unspoken promise


At 10:34 dop., Anonymous Anonimni said...

Tis the only reason to cry, if men could.

At 12:30 pop., Blogger Špiklja said...

< oz. manj pereč kot bele zastave, ki jim plapolajo okrog vratu

zaščititi se z vdajo (pasivno čakanje, dokler ne mine), ker si le tako ne skrivimo lasu, ali svoje integritete

prezir za vogalom

At 5:19 pop., Anonymous Anonimni said...

lepo :)

At 3:06 pop., Blogger Špiklja said...

@ brut:

kislice seveda ne letijo nate, mislim, te ne poznam, da se ne bi narobe razumela, pardon, jih kar stresam vsevprek, čistilna akcija

vrtnarji ste seveda zaželjeni, da se sadovnjak ne posuši, več zalivanja, prosim

& ana, lepo, da ti je lepo


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