torek, december 20, 2005

Neverjetno, kako se muzika navezuje na karakter. Ravno s Kat o tem debatirava, ona bolj smoothie, Maxwell, D'Angelo, Bilal, Musiq ..., ki jih jaz tudi, z izjemo Maxwella, čutim from time to time, hkrati pa me odnaša v konfuzno, kaotično, hitrejše, udarnejše. Zdajle npr. poslušam Gemmo in njen komad Passion Junkie, v katerem se najdem tudi sama. Ne poznava se, midve, z njeno pisarijo in muziko me je seznanil Ben, in takoj sem okusila, da naju nekaj veže. Nekaj sorodnega. Čudovit občutek. Inspiracija.

Now translation, for you, G., so that you won't think i am using your name for any kind of dodgy intriguing. Just saying how related i feel to you, to a stranger (in the night), how your Passion Junkie captures me right now, my mood, interior. You are an inspiration.

P.S. Ben's gonna chop our heads off one day, he'll creep in, quietly (tho' mine is really thick, he may have to use a hammer) and strike like dynamite :-).

Physical distance is just a tea spoon you can't find when you want to sweeten your hot beverage. Of course, you can drink it without, too.